The Secret of Chameleon Skin Changed Color
Chameleon is a famous reptile animal because it can change the color of its body. Hmm, how do ya chameleons can change color so?
It turns out the chameleon's secret to change its body color because it has chromatophore cells on its skin. Chromatophore has long arms like an octopus surrounded by melanin (pigment). If melanin collects, then what appears is a dark color.
Vice versa, if the melanin pigment spreads, the visible color is young. Each chromatophore has its own color. For example, blue chromatophore controls the blue color of the chameleon body. Chromatophore is also connected to the nervous system, so the intensity of the pigment can be adjusted.
Although chameleons can be alternated colors, but not all colors can be owned by a chameleon. It depends on the type of chromatophore present in the skin. Below the skin layers there are two layers of cells that contain red and yellow pigments. Underneath it again there are layers of cells containing pigments of blue and white. Underneath it again there is a layer of cells that contain brown pigment like that in humans.
There are many things that can affect this skin discoloration. Chameleons not only do color changes to avoid enemies, but also to attract female chameleons during the mating period. Usually the colors displayed are attractive colors such as purple, blue, and reddish. Temperature can also affect chameleon color changes.
At cold temperatures, the chameleon will change its color to darkness to maximize the heat absorption in its body. When a chameleon basks in the sun, it will be green because the bright color will reflect more sunlight. The chameleon color change is also influenced by its mood. Mood changes such as anger, shock, stress, fear, and lust are expressed through skin discoloration.
In addition to changing the color of the skin, chameleons or chameleon also have other self-defense tools, namely the air bag in his lungs. With these pockets, the chameleon is able to survive in the water for a long time or to inflate its body in order to frighten its enemy.
There are many things that can affect this skin discoloration. Chameleons not only do color changes to avoid enemies, but also to attract female chameleons during the mating period. Usually the colors displayed are attractive colors such as purple, blue, and reddish. Temperature can also affect chameleon color changes.
At cold temperatures, the chameleon will change its color to darkness to maximize the heat absorption in its body. When a chameleon basks in the sun, it will be green because the bright color will reflect more sunlight. The chameleon color change is also influenced by its mood. Mood changes such as anger, shock, stress, fear, and lust are expressed through skin discoloration.
In addition to changing the color of the skin, chameleons or chameleon also have other self-defense tools, namely the air bag in his lungs. With these pockets, the chameleon is able to survive in the water for a long time or to inflate its body in order to frighten its enemy.
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